Open yourself to learning something new or re-learning something old.





Yoga with Emily. Weekly Vinyasa Classes, specialist workshops and events.

Coaching and Facilitation- Courage and Compassion in Leadership

Grounded in behavioural science and positive psychology, connect with Emily for 1-1 Gallup® Strengths coaching or team and organisational workshops.

Yoga Teacher Training

Emily Young Yoga Professional Development programs are designed to produce confident yoga teachers or educators trained in the traditions and history of classical yoga and grown through learner-centred, appropriate functional movement; informed by contemporary research and exercise science.

Psychology of Mindful Movement and Physical Activity

Emily shares her research and writings on movement and mindful practices on cognition, biology and development.

Such a learning experience, thoroughly enjoyed the course, even though it was a lot tougher than I had anticipated. So glad I decided to do it.

-Teacher Training Graduate June 2018